My angels!

My angels!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Evie's Preschool Pic

This is Evangeline's first preschool picture ever. From Discovery Days 2 year old Preschool class!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Making Thanksgiving dinner

Helping make homemade noodles for dinner!
Watching flour being sprinkled on the dough!

Christopher discovered the noodles don't taste good yet!

Working hard shaking flour off the noodles so they can be cooked!
They had so much fun making noodles, but had to go straight into the bath afterwards!

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving again, and I thought what better to do today than talk about what I am thankful for. I am thankful for my children! Thank God they are healthy happy and the greatest gifts I have ever received. I am truly blessed. I am thankful for my husband who irritates me more than any human being could ever do, but at the same time is truly amazing! He always thinks of me, and does his best for us. He works hard and never gives up! I am the luckiest woman alive to have him. I am thankful for my family who are always there for me no matter what! We would not be where we are today without them!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is it Christmas time yet?

Every day for the past couple weeks I have had to come up with creative answers to this question. Then finally the town put out their Christmas decorations and poof "Yes, Evie it is Christmas time!" "Whoo Hoo!" Was the response I received. She is so excited and can't wait to put up our tree. Which I usually do Thanksgiving weekend, but we are out of town for the weekend so it will have to wait until next weekend.

However, her excitement is contagious. No one can wait to put up the tree, and even worse no one can wait for Christmas to be here. They are excited to see Santa soon, we will see how that turns out! Evie knows she has to tell Santa what she wants to get a present so I know she will sit on his lap for a second! I can't wait since I didn't get a picture of the kids with Santa last year! I plan on taking them to Bass Pro shop they have tons of free stuff for kids to do, including a free picture with Santa! It is awesome if you live near one I highly recommend it! We got the kids great Christmas outfits and plan on getting family pictures done this year too!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

From the mouths of babes!

Evie is coloring and I don't want to color to! I know shame on mommy, but I would rather be online right now. So I told her "I love watching you color. You color so beautiful!"

Her response was, "Yes, I am!"

I couldn't help but laugh! What a little goober! Her personality never fails to crack me up. After working a few hours this afternoon I came home to a bunch of messes. I told her I wasn't happy, and she replied (very seriously) "I so sorry mama!" While she shook her head from side to side. I couldn't help but laugh! I tried to hide my smile, but I don't think I was successful. She knows just what to say and how to say it! I'm in trouble!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No sleep and going insane!

I have had less and less sleep everyday lately. The kids as well. For some reason they keep staying up later and later. They won't sleep, and they are driving me crazy. Most nights lately it has been a bedtime battle, one I always lose! I am so wore out that I can't get anything done during the day. Everything is suffering! The house is a mess, and the kids main food group is chicken nuggets! Which makes me feel worse, and that doesn't help. I just need good sleep.

It's like they are trying to drive me insane. The kids pick the time when I need sleep the most to stage a bedtime coup! How rude! I am trying so hard not to take it personally, but most nights I wanna cry "Please let mama sleep!" Even if daddy takes over they don't let me sleep. I end up with one or both of them crawling all over me! Or crying at the door as they knock repeatedly! Thanks for loving me guys, now please just let me sleep!

I am going to try to get up earlier and make the kids get up! Easier said than done. If I can get up I am going to and so are they! If not then I am definitely working on nap time. No more than a 2 hour nap and no nap after 3 pm! No matter what. Hopefully this will help or I will need a vacation in the KooKoos nest!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

taking advantage of a nice day

It is unusually nice out for this time of year so we've spent a majority of the day outside. It is so nice we are only wearing light jackets. Which is crazy for northwest Indiana this time of year, but I'll take it. I am so not looking forward to being stuck inside all winter. The kids played in leaves, on the swings, slide, and dug in the dirt. They loved catching lady bugs, and getting on their cars for the last time of the season. It was great. I know the further along I get it will be harder for me to do anything with them by myself so this was a nice way to get ready for the long winter.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The kids and the idea of a new baby

Evie knows that mommy is going to have a baby, and is excited about it. I think. Christopher has no idea what we are talking about, and I don't think he cares either. He just glances at me or my belly and then continues whatever he is doing.

Evie on the other hand copies everything I do. So of coarse there is a baby in her belly to. The other day I ran to the bathroom and said "I am going to vomit!" Later she ran to the kitchen, because she thought that was where I went. She also said, "I am going to vomit!" She does know what vomit is. I told her no mommy vomits in the toilet not the trash can, and then I flush it away. So she went into the bathroom, and made vomit noises then flushed the toilet. When she came out she said "I vomited!" I just said "OH!" Not wanting to give it to much attention. I don't want to discourage or encourage the behavior.

She also told my husband the other day during her bath that she wants a sister, and we should name her princess Leia! I thought this was funny since she has only heard that name a couple of times. Then today she told me she had a sister in her tummy! I again just said, "Oh."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

miserable momma

This week has been hell. I started feeling a little nauseous Monday, and it slowly got worse as the week progressed. Today I woke up at 6:00 am just so I could run to the bathroom and vomit! That was great. Then I felt horrible all day long. I am so tired. I am not getting any thing done. Our house looks horrible. I haven't had dishes piled up like this in years. My poor husband and kids have to deal with cranky impatient sick mommy all day. It is awful. I cried today and told my husband I can't do this. His smart ass asked if I wanted an abortion. I replied no I just wanted someone else to be miserable for 9 months not me! Like him! I seriously don't know how I am going to get through this. I know things are going to get worse before they get better. I think it's a girl, because my daughter made me this sick, but my son didn't.

I feel nauseous no matter what I do. I get super thirsty then feel sick for drinking to much water. I feel like I am on fire, or freezing cold. I feel tired, and just yucky. I have no energy. My breasts ache like hell. Plus, I must be sleeping differently because my neck aches. I toss and turn all night, and feel like I haven't slept at all. I wake up throughout the night with my stomach burning.

When its not the pregnancy keeping me up the kids are taking turns waking me up through the night. Evie is potty trained (mostly) she wakes up once or twice a night and goes potty. Of coarse she wakes me up to! Christopher wakes up, and drinks from his bottle or plays with my hair. Then I wake up if hubby is tossing and turning or just getting up. I am suck a light sleeper I think I need my own room, one that is freezing cold because I get hot the most at night!

I know I will get through this I have no choice. I just have to take one day at a time, and just ignore the dirty dishes. I'll get to them when I get to them. I also am buying more quick and easy foods, because I can't guarantee I will be up to cooking when it's time to cook!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

vomit in the car!

I didn't think anything of Christopher having a sucker in the car after lunch today. He has had suckers tons of times before with no problems, but this sucker must have been cracked or he bit into it just right. He choked on the piece that broke off in his mouth and began vomiting. I happened to be at a stop sign so just slammed the car into park and hopped in to the back.

First I made sure the piece was out, and thankfully it came out with the vomit. However, there was so much vomit we couldn't just go home. I had to take all his clothes off. There was still lots of vomit on the car seat. I did my best to get it all together in his clothes, but there was so so so much. It was horrible.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fast day

Today went by to fast. I think. We had so much going on today that it wore us all out, and we didn't even finish everything. I think my problem is that I want to do too many things in a day. It is just not possible to be two places at once, but I haven't mastered time management enough yet. Which I really need to with another baby on the way. I am working on being able to make a daily schedule, like in school! So when the bell rings I know what comes next no matter what. I'd love to be that organized.

Evie had preschool today, but at first she didn't want to go. I know it was because she was tired this morning. She didn't go to sleep until around 11 last night. I caught her crawling out of the bedroom! I guess she thought if she crawled I wouldn't see her. It wasn't a baby type crawl either, but more like a commando low crawl (she meant business)! She didn't escape though.

Christopher has behavioral therapy this morning to. So I had to hurry and get the house clean, or clean enough for other people to come in! It went well. He was being silly. This was the first time I have ever seen him act shy. He hid behind our couch! Then he refused to talk to her for most of the time. Oh, well! This was the first visit, and it was more of an interview anyways to see what he needs.

My sister came by to. Which was nice because I got to visit with my nephew, he's 6 months and really starting to develop his own personality. He gets freaked out by Christopher, who is very loud at times. We spent most of the day visiting. I had wanted to take the kids to see Toy Story, but Christopher took a late nap. Which means he slept to late for us to go. That just meant we got to visit more, and save money!

I am completely exhausted so I didn't get much done today. I'm tired because I didn't get any sleep last night. That's my own fault. I stayed up to late online! Sometimes that is the only way I get time to myself. It's a trade off. I'm hoping to go to bed soon! Keep your fingers crossed!

Other than that I just get sore aches every now and then. Some abdominal cramping, and occasional breast tenderness. I am going to have my doctor send me for an ultrasound though. Because whenever I sneeze or cough I get a sharp stabbing pain in my left pelvic region.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am just not having a good day. I woke up later than I wanted to, and I was exhausted. The kids were asleep so I hoped into the shower. Only to have Christopher come in crying. He was fine when I asked him if he needed a shower, but it was hard to shower since he wouldn't let go of my leg! I got ready for work, it took longer than normal since I felt nauseous this morning. I ate some cheese though, and went to work 45 minutes late. The kids didn't seem to mind me leaving, which was good and bad!

After work Christopher had his Occupational therapy, but this was the first visit so all she did was interview me. The house was a mess since daddy was in charge this morning! Oh, well. I did my best to clean the living room before she arrived. Then we left and ran some errands. We checked out a house it was cute, but right next to a railroad track! No way!

When we got home I sat down, and like a wave I felt horrible pain throughout my breast. It was awful like they had just ran a marathon! I sat there and told hubby, "Oh, man my boobs hurt!" He joked and said, "Got milk!" I didn't find it funny! How can you laugh at anything when your breasts feel like they were beat up. I lasted a while and finally I can relax! Plus, now the kids are asleep!

I had antibiotics a couple weeks ago, and thought it gave me a yeast infection. So I bought an over the counter treatment to help. It was on the safe list, but it didn't help at all. It made me worse. It's slightly embarrassing so I won't go into details, but it sounds like a Bacterial infection according to this online doctor. I am talking to a Gynecologist online at

Thankfully I only have to pay him $18, and not the $75 I'd have to pay at the emergency room. Which is were I am headed if I don't figure something out. Still I am not sure what I think about their website and services. At least it gives me piece of mind for the time being. I'll still call my doctor tomorrow. The information from the online doctor will at least help me know what to say to my doctor's office. Hopefully that will help out my cause here. I can't have some type of infection for 3 weeks, with no answers.

I am so mad at my doctor whose office said he can't see me for 3 weeks. I am also mad at the doctor's office because when I called the first question they asked me was what insurance do I have. Hello, you're not only interested in money! What happened to caring about your patients??? We live in a messed up world.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Goose Festivle

We took the kids to the Goose festivle today. It was fun, but to chilly and windy out. The kids rode on a couple rides. Two of the rides I had to go on with them. The carosel and the strawberry go round. As you can guess they both spun round and round in circles. I thought I was gonna die! I can't handle those kind of things anymore! The kids had a blast so it was worth it. Then they played some games (duck pond and fishing). We checked out the crafts. I got an ornament for our tree. It has 4 snowmen each with our names on them, and says "The Menears 2009". It is so cute. I bought one years ago when Evie (my first born was a baby), so I was really excited to get another one. Over all it was fun, but way to expensive (we should have stayed home!).

Lazy day!

I had a lazy day with a long nap! Thank you nana, papa, and hubby! Hubby has been great! Watching the kids for me and making food for me when I don't feel up to it. Thank Goodness we were visiting the in-laws this weekend. The extra help is a Godsend especially since I was totally wiped out! I really needed some sleep!

I have been feeling so tired and blah lately. Today I felt nauseous but not! If that makes any sense! So thank you to my family for letting me lay around all day! I could get used to this! Unfortunately, our lives gotta return to normal on Monday! Weekend getaways are still sooo nice!

The thing I don't like is that my scar from my C-section has been itching! It feels wierd, and it is uncomfortable! It usually doesn't last long! Oh well that is probably something I will have to get used to. I'm sure it will only get worse as things stretch in there!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm Pregnant!

Yep, It's official I am certainly definitely pregnant! I had my doctor order a blood test today! So there is no doubt! I have mixed feelings! Of coarse I am happy and excited, but I am also worried. Babies cost A LOT! Plus, they need lots of attention, and I already have 2 who need lots of attention. I don't want to short change anyone! I really worry about that. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but I can't think how to put that into words, without sounding harsh. I don't mean it negatively, but it is a huge concern for me. I know the kids probably won't care, but they won't ever know anything else either.

I have been really tired lately for about 3 weeks (I think). I have also been cranky (moody), and impatient or less patient than normal (which is probably more than the average Joe!). You don't survive Irish Twins without having a lot of patience already! I have been eating more too! Which I don't need to do. I am already overweight! The worst thing is I crave Pepsi, so bad! Some days all I think until I drink a pop is PEPSI!

I also have been having cramps the past 3 or 4 days. At times I feel like I am being pulled apart. I just don't feel good, and I don't know how much of this is normal. I imagine it is totally normal. Since I've already had 2 C sections over the last 2 1/2 years! I also get a sharp pain when I cough or sneeze. Which in the past when that happened I was told it was a cyst rupturing, but I wasn't pregnant then! I will probably ask the doctor to send me for an ultrasound on Monday to make sure that everything is ok in there! I'm sure it is, but it would be nice to know for sure.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Still freaking!

Well I told hubby the news or maybe news! As I figured he is excited! He did say that this means he's gonna have to be nice to me (if I am in fact pregnant)! I'm left with one question, "You're not nice now, and you know it? Hummmmmm........

The plan for now is to keep it between us and see if I can get a blood test tomorrow to confirm it either way! So hopefully I can sleep tonight!

I did ask a friend about it and she said the same thing happened to her with her first child. She said the reason she had negative results was because it was to early for that particular test. I know that one of the tests I took (the positive one) said you could get results as early as 4 or 5 days before your period was due! We shall see!

I'm freaking out here!

I have been really tired lately, which I just chalked up to the kids not sleeping through the night. Despite the fact that they rarely sleep through the night and I should be used to it. Then something my mom said the other day got me thinking. Out of the blue she was drilling me "Are you pregnant? Are you sure? You're sure your not pregnant?" What the heck she's nuts I thought.

Then today as I was going to the bathroom I thought what the heck I'll take a pregnancy test. I had 3 of them, one left over from a few months ago. My husband insisted I was pregnant so we bought tests, and I was right no baby! We still had a test. It was a double pack name brand "Answer," since I had that I decided to take it. It was positive! I peed on it longer than 5 seconds because I didn't read the instructions!

So I freaked. I had 2 tests I bought at a dollar store and decided to take those as well. They were both negative! So I'm not sure what to think or do! I don't want to tell anyone if I'm not pregnant, but I want to know. Maybe the first test was better than the dollar store ones?????

I have no idea what to do, but I am majorly freaking out!!!! I don't even want to tell hubby yet. I think he wants another one right now and would be bummed if I wasn't pregnant. I will be happy and sad. I know another one would be more sharing of me for the kids and I don't think that is fair for them since they are so young! I wanted to wait until they are a little older and more independent. I don't want to have to rush them!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nice day!

Today was the first nice day we have had in a while. Hubby took the car to work, so we were stuck at home. I didn't mind since I really needed to clean the whole house! Because Monday and Tuesday daddy watched the kids while I worked for my mom for a bit. I think it was a total of 10 hours that I was gone, but they managed to destroy the entire house! I'm not kidding! I have no idea how my little munchkins made so much of a mess! I asked hubby if he helped them make the mess or something. He just looked at me funny!

So the entire morning the kids and I cleaned. Every toy they own was out and somewhere other than where it should have been! We had fun, and the kids helped a lot. Or at least when the weren't actually helping they weren't making more messes (that alone helped out A LOT!). So after nap I was craving chocolate and Pepsi, and since the kids (or really all of us) deserved a reward we set out for a walk. To the local gas station to get chocolate and pop!

It was fun and probably 8 blocks of walking all together. After stopping at the gas station we sat in the local high school parking lot (on a curb) since school was out, and enjoyed a snack! Then we headed home. The school had some small pine trees that the kids were running around, and then they decided to put all the pine cones in a pile. I thought no big deal, right?

No it wasn't a big deal until I realized they were covered in tree sap! I cleaned up Christopher it came right off of him, but it really liked Evie and wouldn't come off. The rest of the way home she refused to hold my hand. She said," Don't touch me! I dirty!"

I felt bad. I didn't know or at least didn't think about it. So home we went and straight into the tub they went. Then I noticed she even had it on her neck! The little that was in her hair I got out, without having to cut her hair! Thank you God!

I couldn't get the stuff off her neck and hands. I felt bad because her skin was getting sore from scrubbing. I called my husband he didn't know what to do. Thankfully he works with a lot of guys and someone knew what to do. First he was told to use paint thinner, I don't think so! Then gas, definitely not. I heard him tell the guy "its for my 2 year old".

Finally he said Windex would work. Great I didn't have Windex. I didn't have any of the other stuff either, but I definitely wasn't gonna try them. I figured Windex was the safest and borrowed some from my neighbors. It came off with a little effort. Much easier than I had expected! At last she was clean!

At least it was a nice sunny day 59 degrees out, and the most important thing was we had a blast!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blog Award!

I am so thankfully to Marisa at Mama needs a hobby for honoring my blog with this blog award.
The rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award" are:

Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Here are my lovely blog picks (I couldn't find 15 right now):

The kids are not wanting me on the computer today! So I will have to finish my list later!


Yep, Evie has already had a homework assignment from her preschool class. She is to practice using scissors! Something she has never done, at least at home! We even had to go buy scissors for her! I was not to thrilled about this, but knowing that it is a skill she needed to practice I got the scissors.

I made multiple copies of the page the teacher sent home for practice and this morning let her practice. She needs the practice! I cringed every time she said, "Oh I cut myself!" I reminded her to be careful, and thanked God that the preschool scissors weren't sharp enough to actually cut her!

I learned that we are gonna but heads when it comes to doing homework. I kept trying to show her the right way to cut. Or at least the right way according to the teacher's instructions to parents! I have no idea, but I imagine it is safer, I hope so. She kept arguing with me and telling me, "No, I do it!" I tried to assure her, "Yes, you will do it, but you must do it the right way!" We battled a little till I realized I was arguing with a 2 year old. I put the scissors down she cried. I said, " when your done (crying) we will talk and I will give you the scissors back!" That seemed to work and she did try to use them the right way.

The teacher wants her to hold them with her thumb in the circle and finger in the oval, and then when she is cutting her thumb is to be on top. Which she holds it fine, but she turns it over and puts her fingers on top. It's when I stop her and correct her that we have problems. I am not looking forward to more difficult homework in later years!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bad mommy moment!

The kids put on their cooking aprons so they could help make dinner. All was going good. I'm not feeling well and didn't want to cook or eat! Daddy doesn't eat much so the kids were the only ones needing dinner. So what do we cook that is quick and easy. I decided pigs in a blanket, and as an added bonus the kids can help. They were so happy to help. I showed them what to do and they did it. Well Evie did it, but Christopher threw a fit. Apparently when I asked if he wanted to help cook he thought I meant cookies!

He got over that when I gave him a piece of a kit kat. Thank goodness I bought one today at the store. Evie was so proud of herself, and wanted to eat right away. She was a little bummed we had to cook them first.

Here's where the bad mommy moment enters in. I put them in the oven on a higher temp than called for. I just didn't pay attention. I did pay attention to the cook time. Therefore I cooked them too long on too high of a temp! I did not pay attention to whether or not they were done until the timer went off. So yes mommy burnt the kids dinner creation. Thankfully the tops were just brown! I cut the burnt to a crisp bottoms off, making a mess, but salvaging dinner! The kids ate them with a smile. I feel better since they both tore them into pieces and made messes anyways!!!

So it wasn't that big of a deal, travesty averted for the time being! However, I learned my lesson and will TRY to pay closer attention. I am definitely no Betty Crocker!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The dentist!

The kids had their 6 month check ups today at the dentist office. All went really well. Evie got to sit in the chair for the first time. She was excited at first, and then freaked when they turned on the over head lights. She handled it well, but she didn't want to sit there anymore. Then I showed her that the sunglasses they gave her were Cinderella, and she was happy.

It didn't take long, thankfully. All her teeth looked good!!! Which was awesome news since we had to go through all that last time, she had to have 4 teeth filled due to bottle rot. We have since got rid of all bottles, but she still drinks chocolate milk at night. I asked the doctor to tell her no more chocolate milk at night since she'd be more likely to listen to him. Then when she argues with me tonight I can blame the doctor and she will remember the visit and hopefully comply. We are going to get her a special cup just for water to help make it easier.

Christopher did good too. The doctor had me lay him down in my lap he didn't want to. In fact he almost pulled my shirt off trying to hold onto me for dear life! It was slightly embarrassing, but everyone acted like it didn't happen. Christopher screamed like crazy, and the dentist looked like he had a hard time looking at his teeth! But it didn't last long and the verdict was good healthy teeth!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cooking Ideas

I love my gladware bowls. When I cook I make extra then freeze it in the glad ware. Then when we want to eat it again the gladware goes straight into the microwave. It is awesome!!!! The best part is that they are so cheap if one gets ruined no big deal, and they can go into the dishwasher!!! It saves me so much time because I end up making one big meal that becomes 3!!! Which is great because I am no Rachael Ray!

Swimming and Tumbling

I enrolled Christopher in seaweed/ tumbleweeds, a swim and tumbling combo class. He swims for a half hour with me, and then goes into the gym for a half hour to play. The class is really full I think a total of 18 kids. This is the first time he has ever been around so many kids. We took the swim portion of the class last year, but there weren't as many kids then.

The only bad thing is that both Christopher's swimming and Evie's preschool start at the same time. So we drop off Evie and head two blocks away to the YMCA. I have to be secretive because Evie loves to swim and would be jealous. I am going to see about getting her into classes for the next session. They said if she can follow directions and swim ok she can be in the 3 year old swim class. That class is without a parent. She usually doesn't let me touch her in the pool anyways! I just swim next to her so I'm there if she needs me. It will be hardest on me, watching her grow up way too soon!

When we first get into the pool Christopher clings tightly to me. Which is quite painful. Then after a bit he lets loose. I'm not allowed to let go of him yet, but we've only had 2 classes so far. The second class he wanted to face away from me more so he is getting more confident. The teacher always takes each child towards the end for a few minutes, and when she returns them to their parent she tells them to close their mouth and she puts them slightly under water. I wasn't to sure about this at first, but he didn't seem to mind to much. He doesn't like her taking him from me though!

After swimming we hurry up and get dressed to go to upstairs to the gym. The first time we walked into the gym Christopher's face lit up like Christmas morning. It was so cute. He was super excited. He did really well to. It's his first experience waiting in line, and it will take LOTS of classes before he gets it. He does not like the concept at all, but what 1 1/2 year old does?

He has been doing really well, and been nice to the other kids overall. He gets a little overwhelmed towards the end and gets kind of rough, but not to much. I think having so much open space to let loose helps him channel that energy elsewhere. He hugged a couple girls, and played with a couple little boys. Which usually consists of him sitting near them.

I am so glad I get to do this with him. He enjoys it so much, and I think it will help him alot.

Dry skin

This week I started taking Christopher to swim and tumbling class while Evie is at preschool. It is so much fun, but my skin is getting so dry. So this morning after our shower (I can never shower alone if daddy is at work, even if they are sleeping! They've got super hearing!) I tried to put lotion on myself. I no longer have any of my own lotion so I had to use the baby magic! Which wasn't to big of a deal, but I couldn't reach my back. So Evie who was already proud of herself for sharing her lotion said she would put lotion on my back.

I didn't know what she was saying so I asked, "You want to put lotion on mommy's back?"

"Sure!" was the sweet resonse I recieved.

So I figured what the heck. Well lets just say that my back won't need lotion again this year. I had to make her stop, and she was so upset because she wasn't done yet! But I had enough lotion on my back for two of me. I tried to steal some for the rest of me, but couldn't get enough off to keep my shirt from sticking to me for a while! Gotta love those little helpers though! I couldn't have reached my entire back without her!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

steam rolled

I just feel completely overwhelmed. Christopher's recent diagnosis of sensory integration disorder just puts me over the top. I'm trying to work outside the home a little and getting mixed feed back from hubby, and my feelings as well. I've got the kids in preschool and swimming! Which is good, it is just a lot for me right now. I feel like I'm stuck on the merry go round and can't get off! The world is just spinning round and round me right now! I'm trying to be a part of it and get stuff together, but I'm just missing it! If that makes any sense at all to anyone!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sensory Integration Disorder

I have to say that I am just I don't even know how to describe it. I am beside myself. Today was Christopher's first steps Evaluation. They are an early intervention program by the state to help developmental issues. I insisted the doctor set this up because I was concerned with his speech issues. He can say a word one minute then not the next. I actually thought they would come and say he is normal, and I am just neurotic. However, that was not the case.

Don't take this the wrong way. I love my son with all my heart. He is just difficult. He is extremely impatient, demanding, high strung, and difficult to communicate with (he's hard to understand). He has a lot of behavior issues. He hits, bites, kicks, and all kinds of things. He is wild, as if he has no fear, and experiences little pain. I had no idea the extent of his issues. I thought he was just a wild boy. I figured that maybe we played to rough with him. I thought that some how we had to of encouraged this type of behavior. I never imagined that he just couldn't control himself.

He is deficient by at least 25% in 3 areas. I believe it was gross and fine motor skills as well as social skills. His cognitive skills are normal. They said that he has sensory integration disorder, and until the sensory issues are solved the other issues won't really progress. He isn't mean, not that I thought he was! I knew he was a kind loving boy, but couldn't figure out why he behaved the way he does.

I always felt like a bad mother with Christopher. He has always seemed so distant and foreign to me. I just don't get him, and that breaks my heart. It is very hard to admit, and tell people that your son seems like a stranger to you. I've thought many times if I could go back to when he was a baby, and do things over again I would do a better job. Despite the fact that I have no idea what I did wrong. I've asked my husband one many occasions how did I raise one kid good, Evie, and Christopher all wrong. (Evie isn't perfect she's just not as difficult as Christopher). I kind of felt that I did him a disservice by having him so close to his sister. I thought maybe I wasn't able to give him enough attention.

I just blamed myself, and tried all the discipline things I could think of, time outs and tons of positive praise. I am so relieved to know that I did nothing wrong. I am so glad that I followed my instincts and insisted he be evaluated. Despite the doctor's thinking that all was fine. Now I can focus on helping him, and learning about what is going on so I can understand him better. I am so excited to really get to know my son finally and have the relationship with him that we've missed out on.

Once I get past all the shock of this new information I will begin researching sensory integration disorder, and get Christopher started in theray. I am completely overwhelmed right now, and almost in tears. This has made me realize some issues that I didn't see before. I've had to face some tough truths over the last hour.

Preschool Nightmare!

This isn't so bad, but nobody wants to be the mom of the "mean kid". When I picked up Evie today the teacher said that Evie pushes kids. I told her I know that she pushes her brother all the time at home. I didn't think she'd push other kids. I think it is because Christopher is so clumsy he falls on her all the time. I made a rule chart at home listing all the things the kids are not allowed to do at all. Including pushing, biting, hitting, etc.... They are getting a time out for breaking the rules, and if they continue despite time outs they go to bed. Usually we don't get that far. She said they would work on it at school as well. I was crushed.

I told Evie that if she pushed kids they wouldn't be her friends. I hope that will be enough. I feel horrible. For her and others. I don't want kids to not play with her for any reason. Granted she's only two, but what mom wants to have the "meanie"!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Future concerns

I am so worried about the cost of things like my children's education. College is so expensive, but for them to be anything they will need that education. I think they could be child models or something, but I don't know how to get into stuff like that. I've been looking, but it is hard to discern the legitimate things from the scams. There are so many scams out there! It is driving me crazy. It's sad that you can't trust people.

Preschool update!

Evie had so much fun her first day of school. When we picked her up she was all smiles. The teacher gave me her papers, and we left. She got a note from the teacher letting me know she did well. The teacher said that Evie is very outgoing and talkative. That's my girl, but uh oh were gonna have troubles with that later??? She had two pictures that she colored that day. When I asked her about her day she only said she colored! I would have liked more info, but oh well. With some prying I found out she played and sang too! She said she liked her new friends as well.

I knew she would have fun, and do well. However, I was worried since she had been sick. She also refused to eat at all before school. She was so excited to go to school that she didn't want to do anything, but "GO"! Then after school she was to tired to eat as well. When so woke up she made up for what she missed that morning!

We didn't even get out to the car before she asked for her softy, binkie, and chocolate. It was so funny. Thank goodness I had thought ahead and brought it. She was so tired. We went home and she was asleep by 12:05. School got out at 11:30! She would have slept for a long time, but Topher missed her and kept waking her up. So she didn't get a good nap.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of Preschool!

Ok starting school can be hard for kids we all know that but nobody told me how hard it is for the mommy!!! I cried after dropping off Evie today, esp since she didn't even say goodbye! I was so bummed I thought I'd at least get a hug and kiss goodbye! Nope she ran and sat with all the kids forgetting me! Well at least I know she'll be ok and have fun!

It's just my baby isn't so much of a baby anymore. Even though she is still only 2 she is growing so fast. Everything is "No I do it, not you do it!" I know that's good, but it still makes me sad at the same time. Check Spelling

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One of the best moments of my life...squashed!

One of the best moments of my life was when my daughter squeezed my head to hug me and said, "You my best friend mommy!"

It was a great moment! That of coarse couldn't last forever because today she looked at a total stranger and said, "You my best friend lady!" Thank you very much lady for stealing my thunder!

I know she loves me and not the lady, but still. Ouch!!!!

swine flu

Why, the year I want to start sending my daughter to preschool, does the threat of Swine flu have to be looming over head? I don't know much about it, but the more I hear the more I worry. My husband thinks we should wait to send her to school. I disagree, but am not really that well informed. I have 2 kids who for some reason don't watch the news!

I have heard that people can die from it, and that scares me two. So I don't really know what to do. For now the plan is to send her to school, and teach her to wash her hands really GOOD! I think that is all we can do. If it does become a big problem we can keep her home, but I feel the benefits of school outweigh the concerns. Again I am not to well informed on the subject.

I tried to do research and didn't come up with much. What I did find made me think swine flu isn't a big concern. However, when I talk to others I get the impression worse than I think. I just don't know! I do think that we will always have various things to worry about in life and just have to go with the flow! We do the best we can with what we have.

If anyone has any more information or knows a reliable site to get info I am all ears. I looked at the CDC website and got the impression that this is no big deal. Which worries me more! What the heck is the deal???

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

closet mess

The kids just had a bath and were running around naked. Evie has been picking out her own clothes lately, so I told her go get your clothes. Of coarse Christopher followed, but when no one returned I went looking for them. I didn't see anyone in their room, but heard some noise. Christopher was in Evie's closet! No evie. I told him, "Get out of there!" Then I smelled the smell.

He had pooped in her closet, and was climbing out. Thankfully most of the poop was in one spot, and the pee only went on a couple of shirts!! It could have been much worse than it was, but still poop in the closet come on! I cleaned him up, and began to clean up the mess. He must have been constipated because there was tons of poo. I didn't put a diaper on him because I wanted to hurry up and clean up the mess. Big mistake. When I returned from flushing the poo there was more on the floor! What the heck! Where could all this be coming from! I cleaned him, and put a diaper on. A little too late, since all he had inside him was already out.

So I guess the moral is that if your kids hasn't pooped keep a diaper on!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Snack ideas

My kids love Popsicles. I hate all the sugar and no nutrition. So I started buying Moo Tubes from Aldis and freezing them. So they are eating frozen yogurt. I recently saw an add in a parenting magazine for Del Monte Fruit chillers. Each box is made from 1 lb. of fruit. So I bought some and my 19 month old son loves them! I actually like them to.

And the best thing is that they don't make to much of a mess. Unless your child turns it over and squeezes it out, but that usually only happens when they don't want to eat it. Which happens often with plain Popsicles. These are all in tubes so they don't drip like Popsicles on sticks. The fruit chillers are found in the grocery store with the canned fruits. I highly recommend them! We all love them.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Preschool orientation day for 2 year olds!

Evie and the teacher for the good bye song. Evie playing with a puzzle her parrot was done.
Evie's parrot!
The making of a parrot!
Class just started!
Evie has been begging me for months to go to school. I would get her dressed and she'd put on her backpack then ask, "I go school today!" Only to be disappointed when I said "NO". She would get so sad that I thought of paying for a couple hours of day care and telling her it was school! Finally one day a friend told me of a church that runs a preschool and has a 2 year old class. I got her signed up that day!

Today was the orientation day. When the kids go to the class for a short time (1 hour) with parents. They meet the teachers and other kids. This also allows them to get used to the class setting with the comfort of mommy or daddy being there. They had the kids sit on the circle and talked to us. Then they read a book about preschool while parents filled out paperwork. Then the kids made a craft. They glued tissue paper (feathers) on pre-cut out parrots! The kids who finished first did puzzles while waiting for other to catch up. Then they talked more to parents. Finally the kids were allowed to play freely for about 20 min, and then the goodbye song.

It was so cute. Only one other mom brought a camera. I was not about to miss a minute of it despite the fact I was slightly embarrassed taking tons of pics! They must think I am crazy! They sent home book orders (remember those from school). I used to love those. I'm more excited about it than she is. I don't think she realizes we can buy the books and actually have them. They also already have a field trip for the end of the month scheduled. They are going to an orchard to pic apples. I am so going! I think daddy and BoBo will go to! Then next month she gets school pics! I am super excited! I am sad though I will miss her when she is at school, life is moving by to fast. I think I will take advantage of the time with BoBo and enroll him in a mommy and me swim class.

Sick kids

I thought Christopher was getting better, but then a horrible cough started. He sounds like an old man. It is really bad. So bad that yesterday he threw up twice. Then last night Evie woke up with a fever and feeling horrible. In fact she felt so bad last night that she cried, "I need go my doctor!" I told her the doctor's office was closed we could go to see grandpa, who thankfully is a doctor. She refused and said, "No I need my doctor!" I told her again his office was closed we would have to go to the hospital. So she said, "I need go hospital!"

I had already given her ibuprofen and once it kicked in she was fine. However, the fever didn't go away I had to alternate ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours all night long. She slept next to me and sure enough every 3 hours I woke up because she was so hot!

She woke up in the morning with a sore throat. She didn't complain, but she didn't sound like her normal self. I gave her medicine, and she insisted she was all better. Probably, because she knew that today was her school orientation day. I did take her not realizing how sick she actually was. It was only an hour, but at the end she sat on my lap and said, "I want go home and sleep!" I knew then she was really sick. We went home and laid down she was out in minutes, and so was Christopher.

Daddy had already called the doctor and made appointments for today. So when they woke up we got ready and went to the doctor. I didn't think it was that bad. Christopher's cough concerned me, but so many people are sick right now I figured he picked up a virus. Daddy was worried because of swine flu. Thankfully it wasn't swine flu.

Evie has strep throat and has to take antibiotics for 10 days. Christopher and I may get it since we were all sharing drinks, even at the doctor's office! I thought we all had the same thing. Christopher has brochiolitis. The doctor said there is wheezing in his lungs. He is apparently more susceptible to it since he had RSV. He has to have 2 different types of nebulizer treatments, one every 6 hours and one twice a day! The first time we had to hold him down, but the second was easier. So I hope it goes better tomorrow. I don't know if I am supposed to continue them when he sleeps or not. I should have asked that at the doctor's office. I will have to call tomorrow and see. For now if he is sleeping I will let him sleep.

I have a sore throat and feel crummy today. If it doesn't go away my doctor gave me an order to get a strep test and see. I plan on waiting because I am to tired to go to the hospital for the test. Plus, I don't think I feel that bad. Just an achy tired body, and scratchy throat. So we shall see.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sick little guy

Christopher is sick. Poor guy has had a fever for 2 days. I'm keeping it down with ibuprofen and tylenol. He's just not happy and doesn't have much of an appetite. He ate a big lunch which made me happy and has been sleeping for 2 1/2 hours. I am hoping the sleep is just what the doctor ordered! He doesn't really have any other symptoms so I don't know whats wrong.

I do know that he only wants momma! I made the mistake of going in to work for my mom today to help get their office caught up on some paper work. They are closed on the weekends.I wasn't gone an hour when daddy called and said "Topher needs you bad momma!" Apparently he had been standing at the door since he realized I left crying! Tears snot and all! As if I didn't feel bad enough leaving! I said I'd finish up and come home. I recieved another call "I don't wanna make you feel bad, but he really needs you. Nothing I've tried is working!" said daddy! "I'm going as fast as I can" I replied!

All in all I was gone an hour and probably 20 minutes. When I got to the door sure enough Topher was standing there crying. His binkie in his mouth, and softie in hand. With in seconds he was sitting on my lap quiet as can be. Then with in a few minutes he was playing as if nothing had happened, as long as I was with in sight! I know he's sick, but I think I got played a little. Otherwise I have some great healing powers. I guess as moms we should never underestimate the power of a hug and kiss!


I love my kids so much. That is why when I hear of kids being abused I can't comprehend it. How could someone hurt a small innocent child! I just don't get it. Yeah, they make me mad some times and push your buttons definitely! But to a point that you hit them and seriously injure them, NO WAY!

I have never hit my son and my daughter got spanked twice. Once when Christopher was a baby she hit him and I panicked. I smacked her hand. I instantly felt horrible. Another time she wasn't listening and almost fell down the stairs my dad swatted her but. After these I realized that hitting didn't make sense. Neither my husband nor I plan to ever hit our children.

I watched a video on facebook called "the story" about a 2 year old girl who died when her step father hit her or kicked her in the stomach. My daughter is just over 2 and my son almost 2! How could anyone do such a horrible thing. The video made me cry and all I could do was hug and kiss my kids! As a parent I would gladly suffer any pain so that my kids wouldn't have to. Something is wrong with the world when children get treated like this. If you ever even think someone is being abused speak up!

I would be offended if child services investigated me for abuse, but I wouldn't be angry. They have an important job to do, saving kids whose parents won't save them. Which is very unfortunate. I think it is better to be safe than sorry. So don't be afraid to get involved. If you see something that doesn't sit well speak up. You may save a life!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Speech eval

Monday a group is coming out to evaluate Christopher to make sure he isn't behind on his speech. The doctor thinks he is fine, and is basically doing this to humor me. I was worried at first because I could hardly understand most of what he was saying. However, all of a sudden over the past couple days he has had a language explosion! I'm not kidding. He is saying 2 and 3 word sentences!!! He has some troubles, that are probably normal, but I'm still gonna keep the evaluation appointment. I think the problem is that I compare him with his sister, who is exceptionally vocal beyond her years! It is hard not to compare the two. She was my first and the one who taught me all I know! I think it is better to be safe than sorry. If he does have a problem maybe it can be fixed before he is in school. Kids can be so hard on other kids. If he doesn't have a problem at least we will know. As a parent you can only do your best.

binkie nightmare

I definitely need to get the binkies away from the kids. Christopher is getting to where he wants his binkie all the time. I was looking for pics of him and can't find many without the binkie! I realized that enough was enough, but how? How do you take some thing so loved from someone you love? I don't care if he has it, but I do want him to have it less (like bedtimes)!

Plus, I want to move him to a toddler bed in the future and I don't want to take some thing he needs before that move! That will be hard enough since he will go from sleeping with me and daddy to being by himself. The pediatrician doesn't think he is ready yet, and I am glad. To be honest I don't think he is ready either. I just know that hubby is getting sick of being kicked and yelled at during the night. My son isn't nice if you disturb him! Even if it was actually his fault.

Evie doe ok without it until she is reminded of it or is tired. However, with brother wanting his 24/7 she wants hers more often too! I am stuck. I feel horrible, especially when Christopher is yelling "binkie, binkie, binkie!" What can you do?

Monday, August 24, 2009


A lot going on lately so I haven't been able to post, not to mention I am hooked on facebook! Therefore I spend most of my online time on facebook! I also started working. It is good for me to be away for a little bit, and good for the kids to spend more time with dad! Plus, they get to learn that other people can fill their needs not just mommy! I am only working 10 to 20 hours a week so it's not much. Just enough to give me some peace! I don't know why, but when you contribute to the household financially it just feels good! I always felt so bad not making money, but spending it! I know that is silly since I take care of the kids, but that is what our society has done to us. Which is very unfortunate. Right now I need to go to bed, but I am boiling corn because if I don't it will go bad! I can't waste that 2$. I am obsessed with saving money these days! I guess if your gonna be obsessed with anything that's probably a good thing. Believe me it won't last long, not with Christmas around the corner!

The kids are doing good. They fight like cats and dogs, then turn around and play as if nothing happened! I feel like I have 4 kids. Two that hate each other and two that love each other! The house is messier than I'd like, but daddy just had surgery and can't do to much yet! He can watch the kids though! Thank you daddy! I really needed time on my own! Even if it is working it is just what the doctor ordered! I get to talk to people, big, adult type people!!!!
Well I think the corn is done so we gotta get to bed! Goodnight

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Evie's Hospital stay

Evie in the hospital bed. She called it her "Wipe bed" She says wipe instead of white no idea why! The wagon ride to the hospital room was just what she needed!

Making the most of the time in the ER, waiting for the CT results!

Evie with her breakfast she was so excited when she saw it!

Evie in Er she was getting bored and sleepy!

I posted earlier about When Evie was admitted to the hospital because a few hours after she fell and hit her head we think she had a seizure. She was admitted for observation even though her catscan was normal. She is doing fine and hasn't had any problems. I wanted to share some pics of the event with the world.

A word of advice: I grabbed a couple backpacks of toys as we walked out the door so she would have stuff to play with. Thank goodness she loves to put things in backpacks. This helped so much though! We were able to pass the time fairly easily. If you have a minute before taking your child to the ER I would urge you to try and grab a few toys. Thankfully we didn't have to wait that long either. I know usually you don't have time to think about things like that, but I also keep a back pack in the car stuffed with toys. In case we go to a friend without kids' house we are prepared. They also help if we end up at a busy restaurant or the ER!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hair pulling gone, but hitting in!

Christopher has recently stopped pulling hair, for the most part someone still gets an occasional pull. This is how I handled any unwanted behavior, every time he would pull hair I would tell him, "No we don't pull hair it hurts!" Then I would put him in the pack in play for a minute or two. He hates to be in there, and it was the only way to give him a time out without sitting on him! Timeout is great if you can keep the kids in time out for more than a second.

He does play with my hair still, and I don't know how to stop that obsession. If he wakes up at night and I'm not there he gets pissed because playing with my hair is his soothing method! I absolutely hate it. My husband will try to comfort him, but once he reaches for the hair he realizes it's not there and he gets pissed!

However, as one unwanted behavior seemed to vanish overnight another moved in! He now hits and pushes. It is almost like he is just evil. Except when you watch him he isn't doing it out of anger (usually). For example he has a water gun and because he can't use it properly he walks around hitting people with it. In his mind he is shooting them.

Unfortunately, since Evie is an easier target she is constantly getting hit by him. Don't feel to bad for her, she is no angel! She hits and pushes him just as much. I think some of this behavior she inadvertently taught him! She has been pushing him since he could walk. So now that he is bigger he's pushing back.

He is usually just playing when he hits or pushes, but sometimes he is upset. He doesn't talk much, and I'm gonna have his hearing check just to make sure. I think that he gets frustrated at time and since he doesn't know how to deal with that he hits or pushes. He also resorts to hair pulling when he is angry.

My biggest concern is when he hits his sister she hits back, and or vice versa. I feel like I am watching a wrestling match most of the day! Well some days are like watching mortal enemies along the front lines and then other days they are the best of friends. I usually don't interfere unless someone is really hurt, or going to get hurt! I really don't know what to do about this or if their is anything I can do.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Internet access

I finally have the Internet at home! Yes, this means lots more posts and regular updates. Which I am ecstatic about because blogging is better than therapy, mostly because it's free! I settled on Verizon wireless. We have unlimited access, a home phone, plus direct tv all through Verizon for 99$ a month. Not to bad. Plus if we are on time with our bills we get a free netbook. I don't really know what that is, but I like the word free so I will find out! I am so happy to be able to use the Internet again!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Going out without the kids!

Since making the decision to be a stay at home mom I have come to identify myself as a mother. An identify that consumes every moment of my day and night. No different than that of any other parent. However, I have had so little time away from my kids that now when I am not with them I feel horrible. Even the thought of leaving the kids with anyone else gives me anxiety. I recently read an article in Parenting magazine about my (or any parents) need for time to themselves, and I realized this was so true. I decided that I would have to take or make time for myself without the kids.

I have also come to realize that since the kids rely solely on me 24/7 I have done them a disservice. They do not trust others as they do me, and they have a hard time without me. I knew I needed time alone and so did they. I figured the only way to do this was just start going places without the kids, no matter what. This was hard really hard. Over the past year and a half I had not been away from them for more than a few hours!

I really wanted to see the new Harry Potter movie so we decided that I would go to that opening night with my mother, and daddy would watch the kids. We thought since they would already be asleep things would go smoothly, which would give me more confidence to leave them in the future. I didn't want to go and debated going until the movie started. I had horrible chest pain and felt like I was gonna jump out of my skin until the movie got going! I couldn't get home fast enough after the movie, and an array of horrific things flashed through my mind as I drove home!

When I got home things weren't as bad as I feared, but not that good either. Both kids woke up and cried for me. Evie was fine once daddy told her I would be back. Christopher didn't do so good. He cried for me for a half hour and refused to go back to sleep until I got home. He woke up at 1am and his cries woke up Evie. After an hour Evie was back asleep, but he held on until 3:10 when I arrived home. I held him and within 15 minutes he was asleep. The good thing is that I know daddy can handle it!

I still have trouble and have a hard time leaving the kids. The though of it gives me the willies! I have gotten better, and since then have had to leave them with my in-laws on 2 occasions for longer than 5 hours. Due to medical procedures my husband had. They did great without me, and hardly missed me when I got home! Ouch! I think it was harder for me than them. They still have trouble without me (usually if they are tired), but we are all getting better at it. No matter where I go or what I do there is no place I'd rather be than with my babies!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hospital Overnight

Sunday Evangeline fell off a slide at my in-laws house. She fell about 3 feet and hit the back of her head, giving her the biggest goose egg I'd ever seen. My husband immediately wanted to take her to the emergency room, but I insisted you don't go to the hospital just because they get a big bump. You first wait and see how they do. If it was bleeding uncontrollable, she was vomiting, or acting unusual then yes go straight to the ER, but she was her normal self. So we waited and watched. She was slightly clumsier than normal and had a little trouble with her speech that day. However, in a toddler it is hard to say how much of that was abnormal from the fall and how much is just her being tired or silly. Since it wasn't in excess I didn't worry.

However, after we arrived home that evening, probably six hours later, the odd behavior started. She complained of being hot in the car and insisted I get her out of the car seat immediately. I hurried up and got her out, and while we were unloading the car she cried for me to hold her. Which could have been because she was tired. Then I cradled her like a baby as we walked to the elevator in our apartment complex. As I was walking I noticed her eyes were twitching, but she wasn't blinking. She was also shacking a little. I told my husband to come look at her eyes, and I tried to get her to talk to me. She didn't have a binkie in and for some reason she refused to talk to me or she couldn't. All of this is extremely out of character for her! So we were extremely worried.

Both my husband and I decided we should go to the ER or my dad's house (he's a doctor and my mom is a nurse). Our concern was maybe that was a seizure! Just then my mom called and I told her what had happened. She immediately scolded me for not going to ER already! She to thought it may have been a seizure! So off to the ER we went.

I brought her some toys and she doesn't mind going to the doctor so she was ok with the trip, and a little excited since she had never been to the hospital. I was worried because I had heard horror stories from the ER, but they were all great! They got us back immediately and we didn't have a long wait at all. They sent us for a head CT (Catscan). The doctor asked me if she'd hold still. I thought so. They decided not to sedate her which was great. Because she was a perfect patient. She held so still. She likes when we drive through tunnels so she was excited about the tunnel she got to go into. She also likes getting her picture taken so she liked the idea of getting a picture of her "Bad Bump" that was what she called it. She was only upset she never got to see the pictures!

They said it very well could have been a seizure, but there was no way of knowing for sure.
The pediatrician on call decided that even thought the CT came back ok he wanted her to remain overnight for observation. I was horrified what about Christopher at home! Even though daddy was with him I had never been away all night before! He had a rough night, they both did, but they survived! Evie was getting tired and bored in the ER as we waited for them to get her room ready. She was crying "I want daddy!" I felt so bad.

Then they came to take her to her room. She got to ride in a wagon, which she loved! She got 2 arm bands, she thought were bracelets! They put a security device on her foot since she is so young, she also thought this was jewelery! They put a band aid like thing on her finger with a red light on it (pulse oximiter) to measure the oxygen in her blood and her pulse, I guess! She thought it was a sticker and liked that it lit up. All the armbands and finger things she had to keep! She cried when we were leaving and the nurse took them off, so they let her keep them. She was excited about her big white bed! She watched the Land before time and then cars (when she finally fell asleep around 1:30am).

She woke up promptly at 7! Shortly after that they brought in a tray with her breakfast. She asked "What's that mommy!" When I showed her she was so excited, she got her own breakfast and got to eat it in bed! We got discharged to go home a little after nine! Which was perfect because I don't think she was going to sit any longer!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Back at the In-Laws.

We packed up and headed home, only to hit a stand still on the highway. Since traffic wasn't moving at all we assumed there must have of been an accident. Due to the fact that the kids were cranky we headed back to the in-laws house. Thank God we had only traveled 10 minutes away! I guess we will try again later. We have to get home tonight because hubby has to work tomorrow. The worst part is I needed to go grocery shopping today. I will have to find some way to get to the store tomorrow. Since we only have one car when Daddy works we usually just stay at home all day. If we don't we have to get up and be ready to take him to work at 7:30 then pick him up at 8. That will equal tired cranky kids!

Smart Girl

Evie is growing so fast. Every day she surprises me with the things she says and does. She picks up everything like a little sponge. She never ceases to amaze me with the stuff she learns. She counts to 7 by herself. It was so cute the other day Christopher spilled his juice. I was frantically trying to clean it up, red Hawaiian punch! Evie started counting the spills, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7! I was so proud. She did that with out any help or encouragement from me!

Hair pulling, obsession!

Christopher has a horrible obsession with hair. He pulls hair all the time. The other day Evie came into the kitchen crying hysterically. I couldn't understand a word she said, but then Topher came running in with a hand full of her hair. I knew what was wrong, poor girl that hurts bad! I keep putting him in the pack n play for a couple minutes whenever I catch him pulling hair. I tell him not to do it that pulling hair hurts. I remind him that I love him. I think he might be to young for that, because he doesn't seem to understand he just keeps pulling hair.

He also loves to play with hair. He usually can not fall asleep unless he is playing with my hair. Naps and bed time all the same. He lays on my right side so he can watch tv and play with my hair. He is usually out within a few minutes. He also wakes up many times during the night and plays with my hair to go back to sleep. I have no idea how to stop this behavior, and I will not put him in the crib just to scream himself to sleep. In fact I took down the crib since I can't get him to sleep in it anyways!

Yesterday, we went to Dennis second cousin graduation party. There were so many little kids to play with that Evie and Christopher had a blast. I don't know if it was because of how excited he was, but Christopher must have pulled the hair of every kid at the party. I had no idea what to do, all of a sudden my son is the meanie that no one wants to play with! He made one girl cry over and over.

He also hugs a lot! He would hug kids or I think he was hugging them. Then he would pull them down to the ground and put his head against them to cuddle with them. He'd also laugh, and many times pull their hair. I think he thought he was playing with them, but I don't really know. He took down kids from age 1 to 14! He's a real bully now I guess. I don't know what to do or if I can do anything. However, I would really love the hair pulling to stop!

Working Days

My husband is currently no longer working nights. He is now on the day shift, 8 am to 8pm. It is so much nicer because we get to spend so much more time with him. Plus, he isn't as tired as he used to be so he helps me out a ton more than before. The only thing that sucks is he gets home at 8:15 and if the kids aren't asleep yet I have a horrible time getting them to bed. They get so excited when daddy walks in that all efforts to get them to bed are lost! Daddy might need to start helping with the bed time routine even though he's just getting home from a long day at work. I would push it but that factory is so hot that when he comes home I know he is exhausted. I don't think he understands how important it is that the kids get to bed at their bedtime. He will if I ever get a job and he has to deal with tired cranky kids in the morning. Bed time is 8pm, but some nights I haven't been able to get the little monsters to sleep until 10 or 11, and believe me by that time they are monsters!

If this schedule lasts I might get a part time job working 2 days a week! I would love to get a job. It would be nice to help out with money because it seems like now a days money is never enough!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The potty train!

I started potty training Evangeline around 18 months. We bought a potty chair and put it in the living room for her to sit on and just get used to it. I didn't want to rush her, and I found that she would sit on the potty for stickers. At first every time she sat on the potty she got a sticker, but I didn't know how long to have her sit, or how to get her to sit for any amount of time! So I let her play with the stickers. I made a poster and pinned it to the wall at a level she could reach. Then while she sat on the potty she put stickers on the poster. You can get tons of stickers at a local dollar store, ours is called Dollar Tree!

After a while this got old to her, and she was ready to start sitting on the potty with no diaper. She went a few times and we made a huge todo about it! This got her excited for a while. We then had the problem of her not being able to sit on the potty without her brother climbing on her. Plus, her Dora potty kept falling apart. So we got two new potty chairs "frogs". The kids love them. We keep these in the living room and Dora in the bathroom.

This solved the problem of brother climbing on sister. Then as an added bonus Christopher is already starting to potty train without even knowing it. He is encouraged to sit on the potty when Evie does. With his diaper still on because he doesn't sit long. He even says, "pee pee in potty" in his baby voice, but momma knows what he's trying to say. When Evie goes we take the tray to the bathroom to empty it, flush, and clean it out. Christopher follows with his in hand just because that is what you do. He isn't ready for actual potty training, but this foundation should help!

After the joy of the stickers wore off I made a chart on poster board. Evie got to color it then I wrote on it "Evangeline's good girl chart" I filled the chart with squares and every fifth square had a star on it. She gets stickers for going potty, and any good behavior I notice throughout the day! Then every time a sticker gets placed on the star she gets a prize. I have a shoe box that I fill with toys from the dollar store for her to pick from. It is our treasure chest.

Christopher is old enough that he wants stickers and prizes to, but doesn't understand why or what for. Every time Evie gets a sticker he does to. He also gets stickers for any good behavior noticed during the day! Then he to gets a prize. His chart is simply a blank calender that says on top "Christopher's good boy chart".

Both of them love to get stickers and prizes. The problem I now face is that Evangeline goes potty all day with no accidents only if she is naked. I can't get her to tell me she has to go when she has diapers or pull ups on. She even has accidents in panties. I don't know if she isn't quite ready for that or what. I know that she can not pull up or down her pants on her own. I am working on teaching her how to. Hopefully that will help. So for now when we are home she mostly runs around in a tee shirt!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Finaly on the internet

We are trying to save money so I haven't had the internet in what seems like an eternity! I miss it so much. Now that I am finally on the net I don't know what to do or say. Not that I have nothing to say to the contrary I have so much overflowing I fear it will be more like word vomit coming out than actual intelligible posts! Don't worry I will try my best. The kids are doing so good and have changed so much over the past month. Ever growing more and more into their own persons! If anyone knows of an affordable internet service that doesn't require a phone line I am all ears. I can not live without the internet!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Less posts

We have disconnected our home phone, Internet, and cable for the time being. After the one year mark the company increased our rates so much that we decided to go without for a while. Plus, we are trying to find a new place to move. So we figured we would save some money.

I often go days without getting on the Internet, but now that we don't have it at home I miss it so much! Everyday I think I wish I could get on the Internet! It is horrible. I am posting more on my twitter! So you can check that on this website or follow my twitter!

Yes, You can do it!

As you may already be aware of my angel is now in her terrible twos, and she is seriously testing my patience. She wants to do everything on her own. I finally found something that she can do on her own and share with everyone. She loves to cook and help in the kitchen, but that can be dangerous. And lets face it toddlers want to do things that they just are not capable of doing.

She can make instant pudding though! I get open the package, but she pours it in a bowl. I pour the milk in the cups, and she pours it in the bowl. I give her a spoon and she stirs it. She makes a little mess, but not to bad. She has so much fun. The other day she made some and put it into little bowls and we took it to grandma and grandpa. She was so proud she made them a surprise all by herself. If you don't want a mess you can put it in a shaker and let them shake it!

It is easy and keeps them busy long enough for me to do the dishes. Then we all get to enjoy a good snack afterwards. Never mind the extra dishes we are creating! The look on her face and pride in knowing that she made something for us to eat is priceless!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The not so great, great outdoors!

Today we took the kids after dinner on a little drive. We came across one of those historical plaques that tell you what happened there. This one had pictures and told that the area was a POW camp that held German soldiers during WWII. Apparently they were brought over to Michigan to help farmers who were in desperate need of help harvesting crops. It was really interesting. Nothing was left standing of the camp except the plaque.

We walked around the area since it was nice. However, there were a lot of cactus and mosquitoes. It ended up being a nightmare. The worst part was that I let Evie down to pick some flowers, but there was some kind of plant with barbs that stuck her all over. It was horrible, thankfully I had tweezers in my bag, she had hundreds of thin little red things stuck into her legs and hands. I felt so bad. It didn't seem to hurt her to much, but it did hurt. She had red bumps all over afterwards from the irritation and some of them bled a little. Some didn't come out all the way, and swelled up. They looked like little mosquito bites.

As a parent you try to protect your kids from things, and in this case I put her down in whatever it was that did this. I feel like the worst mother. I think it traumatized me more than her.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I do it!

The three worst and best words in the English language. Good because finally you don't have to do everything for your child, but bad because now that you don't have to do everything for your child you realize that she is no longer your baby she's growing up way to fast! At the same time it is also so annoying because they want to do it on their own, but many times they just can't yet!

Evie is constantly telling me, "I do it, Mommy!" She can take off her shoes and put them on! I just can't wait for her to use the potty by herself. I have the worst time remembering to tell her to sit on the potty!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer fun

It is summer time and the kids are loving life. Almost everyday Christopher wakes up and points outside. He either wants to go outside or just look at all the cars and people. They love going to "play ground" that is what Evie calls any place outside where she can play. The other day she asked, "We go bye, bye!"

I asked, "Do you want to?"

You probably can guess her answer, "Yeah, Yeah! she said.

I asked her, "Where do you want to go?"

She thought about it for a while. Then said, "Ummmm!" As she thought a little harder, with her finger pressed to her lips. Then she smiled and said, "Play ground!" While she did the sign for play ground.

How could I do anything but take them to the play ground after that cute display!

The only bad thing about summer is they play outside A LOT, and therefore they fall A LOT! When I give them their baths at night I wonder if anyone sees the bruises on their legs and thinks they are abused. I am not kidding. They look like connect the dots or something. Tiny bruises all over from their knees to their ankles! I am amazed they can still walk, Ok not that bad, but you get the picture. Especially Christopher he gets bruises everywhere. He scares me to death, because he has no fear, and he never stops! I have no idea where he gets all the energy he just goes all day long!

The flip side of that is when he crashes, or gets tired, it is horrible. He had an awful meltdown at the park today. We were at a picnic for my brother and sister's last day of school. Evie and BoBo loved playing with all the kids. They had a snow cone machine, and I knew it was time to go home and nap. So I told the kids we will have a snow cone and go home. They both got one and we sat down in the shade to eat it. Christopher wouldn't sit, so of coarse he spilled his. He got so mad he dumped the whole thing. Then he was pissed. He screamed and yelled and stomped on it. He really wanted to eat it, but was to tired and mad. I knew the time to go had come and gone. So I grabbed him up and we headed out! He was asleep in the car before I was able to pull out of the parking lot! We still had fun though!