My son's name is Christopher, Topher for short because he has the same first name as his dad and PaPa. He was going to be Christopher Dennis the third, but we decided why do that? Is he going to carry it on and on? So we named him Christopher Clayton, after both grandparents. But Chris is already taken so Topher is what he got. Then his nickname is Bo Bo. The kids are really into Diego and on the show there are the Bo Bo brothers 2 monkeys, who are always getting into trouble. Well Topher is my little monkey, he is a brother, and he is always getting into trouble!
Leave a comment or post about your child's nicknames. Let me know though so I can check out your post!
Cute nicknames! I love "Topher" too :)
My kids are Claire & Carter. On my blog I call them Bear & Roo. Claire we've always called Claire-Bear. Carter, his dad's nickname was Roo when he was a baby & we were always calling him Carter-Roo anyways. So, basically I'm full of all sorts of excitement when it comes to picking out their nicknames :p
Mine are Booga (sounds like BOOgah), Doodles, Beastie, and ... the baby doesn't really have a nickname. We call him chunk, or big guy, or handsome, or any other cutesy name, but none that he really fits into as his own yet. I guess I better hurry, since his little brother or sister will be here in 6 months.
Hi there. My eldest is Naomi followed by Khalil. We call Naomi, Mumay derivative of Mimsy and Mims, both suggested nicknames for Naomi.
On the other hand, we call Khalil by his name. No nicknames. Although sometimes we call him Kyle in jest.
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