My daughter is definitely a princess. She is cute, independent, outgoing, demanding, and we are completely wrapped around her tiny fingers. One example is the new bed daddy got her for her birthday. Despite already having a toddler bed daddy ordered her a bed that is more fitting with who she is! She is totally into Dora right now. This is our princess in her new bed, that I put together while both her and her brother attempted to help me! Which was not fun at all, for me. After, a painstakingly (Literally, I hurt my hand during the construction, not to mention the horrific headache the instructions gave me. Since when are instructions only pictures and no words!) putting together this bed in the living room I realized it wouldn't fit into the bedroom. I had to take off the canopy. Duh, You might say, but this did not dawn on my sleep deprived brain. My daughter didn't want it moved, and at that point if we had room in the living room I would have left it there. The only thing not Dora on the bed is her Wall-E pillow.

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