My angels!

My angels!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chore, Behavior, Potty training chart?

I want to make a sticker chart for my kids. My son's will be just so he doesn't feel left out and to prepare him for the future. I want to have some simple chores, behaviors, and potty training. I don't know if I should use separate charts for each or one chart. I bought poster board to make them, but I don't know what to do or how to do it. I don't want to overwhelm the kids. So if anyone has any ideas I can use the feedback!

1 comment:

Cascia Talbert said...

I was searching for a contact form but this is going to have to do.

Healthy Moms and Baby Signs is teaming up for Potty Time Tuesdays this week. We are giving away a Potty Training Success Kit valued at $39.95. If you are potty training your child participate in Potty Time Tuesday this week and enter to win the kit. Winner will be chosen and announced on Tuesday April 7.

Visit: for complete details.