My angels!

My angels!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of School

Today was Topher's first day of school ever.  He is in 3 year old pre-school. Evangeline is in her second year.  She is in 4 year old pre-school.  They go from 12:15 to 3.  This year I have decided to let them ride the bus. The first day wasn't without a few bumps.  The bus was late picking them up!  I got worried and called the bus driver, who answered her phone while driving! 

3 hit and I waited on the front porch for the bus to bring my babies home!  No bus! after a half hour I called the school.  The buses were all still there! This is the schools first year being a STEM magnet school or whatever.  I'm not sure what that means.  But due to this they were having troubles.  So I waited 15 more minutes, and some buses went by but none stopped!  I'm freaking! I call the school and it hits me maybe they were sent to Safe harbor (basically day care).  Yep that's where they were. It was an honest mistake.  I'm looking for a job so I signed them up.  I told the safe harbor people the kids didn't need it yet.  But positions are on a first come first served basis. So I had to apply.  The message just didn't get passed on, and the kids had to be listed on the roster. 

When I went to get them there were still buses in the parking lot! 45 minutes after school was over and it was 90 degrees outside.  So thank God the kids were in safe harbor and not sitting on those buses.  Parents were pissed.  The buses were all screwy. Some buses ended up with the wrong kids and had to come back.  Some kids were left behind.  One dad was at the school one daughter made it home the other a preschooler didn't!  Hopefully the bugs are sorted out tomorrow!

Anyways the kids were happy to see me.  They had fun at school. Both of them only complained that they didn't get to go to the computer lab!  At the meet the teacher night we were told preschoolers would have access to the computers now!  So they wanted to play computers.  Watch Topher be upset when they don't let him watch netflicks!  LOL...

As we walked to the car Topher pointed to the preschoolers playground and proudly said "I get to play there!" He also informed me that he went potty at school.  He said "I said excuse me teacher I have to go potty!"  I don't know if that's true or not but how cute!  I asked if he wanted to go back he jumped up and down and said "YES, I want to go back to school!" 

I'm glad they are both so excited about school and riding the bus.  Just hope the bus bugs are worked out cause tomorrow is gonna be hot again!

1 comment:

Admin said...


May Allah bless them all!

I'm glad that I am able to read about Christopher's first day of school. (I think I started visiting this blog right after being introduced to blog sphere in 2008.)

Though, my recent past memory is not good but I still remember a few scenes of my first day at school.

Wish the twins and the plus one all the best!