My angels!

My angels!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I just feel so frustrated lately. I don't feel like doing anything. Taking care of the kids seems to be all that I have the energy for or the desire for. I don't know if it has anything to do with the cold weather. Now that it is cold the simplest tasks, like going to the store, are so much more difficult. Before I would take the kids by myself to the store and just grab a few things at a time that we need. Now doing this would be so hard I dare not even try. Snow suits, snow pants, gloves, hats, blankets, coats, boots, and a diaper bag are just to much for me to carry. The stroller is no longer an option. So I am now on my own. Even the kids are getting cabin fever. Some days Evie, my 21 month old, goes to the door and cries, "GO". I know she is used to going places, but I don't have the energy for all that goes along with getting out in the winter. My husband doesn't like doing most of the activities that we usually do. Like going to the library! It is impossible to get that man in a library or a book store. Oh, he reads just things that are on a computer screen! Already I can't wait for summer. All that keeps me sane right now is my excitement for Christmas! I can't wait for my son's first. Plus, now that Evie is bigger Christmas will be more fun for her, thus more fun for us!

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